Sunday, August 16, 2015

Models With grand and great constume!!!!!!



Gaint Snake Makes a Huge Mistake When Choosing Its Meal

This African rock python must have thought it hit the jackpot when it ate a 30-pound porcupine. Little did it know, that was to be its last meal

Ouch! It didn't take long for dozens and dozens of porcupine quills to stab the snake's insides.
The snake was found dead next to a cycling track at Lake Eland Game Reserve in South Africa. Tough luck, snakebro. 

The python was more than 12 feet long. Now, it's "so long." What? Too soon? 

These humans are prepping for a makeshift autopsy. Who doesn't love a good DIY project? 
The stomach in all its stabby glory. Anyone want a free quill pen? 
Here's the 30-pound porcupine next to its victim. Or is the porcupine the victim? Nature is confusing, man. 


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...