Sunday, October 30, 2011

Organising An Energy Management Program

Basically, Management is the effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve stated objectives. Effective energy management within an industrial enterprise requires:

  • commitment of all and particularly the active commitment of top management to authorize the necessary resources. 
  • communications across all levels in the company, from the highest management levels to the operating personnel and shift workers. 
  • A structure within the company which results in properly identified responsibilities and lines of authority. 
  • Involvement of personnel at all levels in the setting of energy efficiency improvement  goals, and in the improvement of operating standards and performance generally.
  • A focal point  for all energy related matters, and involvement of decision makers of the company. 
  • Expertise in all technical and economic matters relating to energy use.
The continuing commitment, concern and interest of top management in energy management are essential pre-requisites for a successful program. The appointment of energy management is a recent innovation. The Energy manager usually has overall plant or company responsibility for energy supply and energy use, and reports to senior management. He would normally be responsible for the co-ordination and direction of the plants energy conservation program. 


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...