Monday, May 27, 2013


    An induction is also called as asynchronous motor is an Alternating Current motor, when current is induced in the stator winding producing magnetic field to the stator winding, by electromagnetic induction. They don't require the moving electric contacts, like a commutator or slip rings, which are necessary to transfer current to the rotor winding in other types of motor such as the universal motor. Rotor windings consist of short-circuited loops of conductors and they are 2 types: The wound rotor and the squirrel-cage rotor.

  Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, The industries are mostly depend on induction motor for rotating force, They are widely used in industrial drives because they are cliffy, dependable and efficient. Single-phase induction motors are used extensive for small loads, such as household widget like fans. The simple induction motor is a fixed-speed device, Because they used  variable-frequency drive systems, The device allowed to vary the speed. Variable-Frequency Drive Systems bring out especially important energy savings opportunities for existing induction motors in variable-torque centrifugal fan, pump and compressor load usage. Squirrel cage induction motors are very widely used in both fixed-speed and variable-frequency drive applications.

Pricipal of induction motor:

As a general rule, conversion of electrical power into mechanical power takes place in the rotating part of an electric motor. In d.c. motors, the electric power is conducted directly to the armature through brushes and commutator. Therefore, In this sense, a d.c. motor also called as conduction motor. However, in A.C. motors, the rotors, the rotor doesn't receive electric power by conduction but only with induction in exactly the same way, The secondary of a 2-winding receives its power from the primary. that's why such motors are known as induction motors. An induction motor can be treated as a rotating transformer i.e. one in which primary winding is stationary but the secondary is free to rotate. Of all the A.C. motors, the polyphase induction motor is the one which is sweeping used for various categories of industrial drives. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


 A seller of goods is deemed to be an unpaid seller when:      

  1. The whole of the price has not paid or tendered:                
  2.  A bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as a conditional payment,and the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the instrument or otherwise.

The following conditions must be fulfilled before a seller of goods can be deemed to be an unpaid seller:

  1. He must be unpaid and the price must be due.
  2. He must have an immediate right of action for the price.
  3. A bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument was received but the same has been dishonoured.

     When payment is made by a negotiable instrument it is usually a conditional payment, the condition the condition being that the instrument shall be deadly honoured. If the instrument is not honoured, the seller                             
is deemed to be an 'unpaid seller'. A seller who has obtained a money decrease has not been satisfied.

      'Seller' here means not only the actual seller, but also any person who is in the position of a seller,an agent of the seller to whom a bill of lading has been endorsed, or a consignee or agent who has himself paid for the goods or is directly responsible for the price.  

Monday, May 13, 2013


By Chintu varma

"Child is the father of man-but we do precarious little for our children,for whom ostensibly all the great modern shrines are put". But in industries we have millions  of said faces mainly because child labour is prevalent. These child workers present melancholy picture of our modern industrialism, At present, we are although in age of scientific humanism, but even then our society still tolerates the abuses of child labour.

EFFECTS OF CHILD LABOUR:-work in childhood is a good and national gain but the condition under which labour is prevalent is a social evil and national waste. child labour is directly related to the child health and exerts a negative effects upon it.It tends to interfere with the normal family life and to encourage the breakdown of the social control that is largely dependent upon to preserve the existing social order. Further, it seriously interferes with their education and precludes the most productive participation in the privilege and obligation of citizenship.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The importance of human relation in modern industry

By Chintu Varma
Need of human relation:- Before the advent of modern industrialism, business enterprises were very small. They were mostly operated by their owners personally. They employed small numbers of workers from the local area. The owner and the manager were management were carried on according to his personal will. The workers and employers were personally known to each other. Thus the role of employer was just like a batriarch surrounded by a family to whom he owned some considerations and from whom he might expect respectful behaviour. Under these circumstance, the relation between the employer and the workers were direct and personal. Even to day businessmen  of small means and local operation still retain some characteristic.

     The paternalistic relation between the employers and the workers were modified after the emergence of big business. The developed means of transport produced mass markets new scientific inventions created new products.The steam and electricity provided power for industry. therefore the structure of industries was greatly modified. Management of industries become impersonal and created many social and human problems. In fact modern industry is not merely a factory or work place. It is a complex system which involves the pattern of interaction between people who are responding to each other in terms of there roles in work organisation. modern industry has become a social old in itself. according to Moore, "industry is social as well as mechanical, an organised group of workers as well as an efficient grouping of machines" therefore the study of human relations with reference to industry is of great importance.

     The pattern of modern industrial organisation is of bureaucratic type which involves various management problems. modern industry reveals the characteristics of a social system. its maintenance requires adequate diagnosis and understanding of both individual and groups within the factory. therefore, in response to the various problems which arise with in industry, a new approach been evolved known as 'Human relations'.

     The human relations approach:-the human relation approach to management is of recent origin.the haw throne studies in USA have largely stimulated the rise of this new approach. the approach is obviously based on the knowledge regarding human beings. although, the old approach to management organisation, is still an important part of modern industry, yet the development of human relations approach is of considerable importance. the detects and failures of bureaucratic management organisation, have compelled people to think about the new approach.

The main objectives of human relations approach in business organisation 
(i) Productivity 
(ii) Worker satisfaction as such the approach is oriented to achieve these twin objectives. 
Under these approach much importance is given to the interpersonal and organisational circumstances of the job.

     The various studies conducted with regard to human relations demonstrate that a properly motivated group of workers can produce More even adverse conditions. therefore, in order to increase the production and worker satisfaction, informal organisation and human attitudes must be considered to be the vital parts of industry, in this regard, Charles B. spoulding has pointed out the demerits of the older system as under:-

      "While many of techniques of the order management theory have continued to be found useful, as a series of the research endeavor and theoretical analyses has pointed out that its highly formalised approach often fails to function in accordance to the original intent; the workers of often deliberately limit production; incentive plans based on time and motion studies are exceeding difficult to administer; conflicts develop between line and staff officers rules are some times, ignored, frequently failed to motivate workers, and many actually perpetuate the conditions they we designed to overcome; specialized bureaucrats fail to see beyond their own specialities is poorly disturbed in the organisation as career ladder become fixed, and promotion by seniority is established the organisation may fail to adjust to a changing environments simply cannot deal with the size and complexity involved,"                                                                               


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...