Thursday, July 7, 2011

'Cutting Salt of little help to health'

Researchers have called into question the gain of hold in reducing the amount of salt consumption after their analyzing disclosed that a cut in intake does not needful to reduce the likelihood of dying or experiencing cardiovascular disease.

The review does not discount info that reducing fare salt intake come down blood pressure. "Intensive aid and boost to cut salt intake did contribute to a reduction in salt taken and a least reduction in blood pressure"

We have been boost to believe that salt is  our enemy because it brings up blood pressure leads to heart disease. Your heart, Adrenal glands, Liver and Kidneys need salt to function and you can't digest food without it.


    Nutrients over cell membranes into your cells, calcium and other minerals solvable in your blood. it maintains balance of fluids in our body. it regulates BP. Most of the people with high blood pressure don't need less salt; they geed the right kind with more magnesium and/or potassium. Magnesium relaxes blood vessels and potassium helps keep sodium levels in our body. 


    Table salt is processed at temperature over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit which changes its chemical structure and clean, its all natural nutrients. Salt maker add anti caking element and bleached. At that time, Salt on your dinner table, it's mostly chemical additives-zero nutrients and sodium.

     A better kind of salt is unrefined rock salt which contains up to 82 vital trace minerals including potassium, magnesium and calcium. you can low the BP by consuming the right salt. The 3-step plan to get healthy salt with magnesium and potassium:

  1. For magnesium, eat Almonds and Walnuts and seeds. By taking raw vegetables like spinach and legumes by replacing the refined salt.
  2. it boosts potassium levels with orange-colored fruits and vegetables like, beans, spinach, bananas, fish, meat, fish, meat, poultry and milk.
  3. Replace refined salt and rock salt. If the salt is White and pours easily, it is nothing but processed or refined salt. Natural salt is rough in structure. The brown color on layer has most of the nutrients. 

NOTE: You have to consult a doctor if you have a diabetic or with kidney problems.


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...