Thursday, July 7, 2011

'Broad-faced' men may cheat for money

A man's face might hint if he is bad to the bone, as a new study has found that people with wider faces tend to be more devious and more willing to cheat.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the US found that men with broader faces were approximately three times as likely to lie in negotiations than their narrower faced peers to gain more financial benefit.

For their study, the researchers carried out several experiments to analyse if men's facial structure has anything to do with their personality traits, Live Science reported.

In one experiment, researchers measured the facial width-to-height ratio of 192 students, 115 of whom were men, and randomly assigned them to play either buyer's or seller's roles in negotiations over emails.

It was found men with broader faces were approximately three times as likely to lie in the negotiation than narrower-faced men. facial width was not linked to either deveption or trust worthiness in women. In another experiment, the researchers analysed how willing volunteers were to cheat.

They had 103 students, 50 of whom were men, and asked them to roll a pair of dice to see how many times they would be entered into a lottery. Participants had the chance to lie about their dice roll to increase their chances of winning. Men with broader faces overstated their dice rolls by 18.6 percent.


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...