Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Elephants flirt, argue like humans

Elephants flirt and argue like humans, and their family outings too have their share of tiffs over directions. conservationists have discovered such rows are common among herds of elephants thundering across Africa's vast plains. It is one of several striking features of elephants' intriguing social system that suggests their behaviour is remarkably similar to that of humans. In the world's longest continuous study of elephants, researchers who have spent nearly 40 years observing their behaviour at the Amboseli national park in Kenya said that the animals use complex communications in what appeared to be discussions over which route to take. They also used body language and sounds in other distinctly human ways, the Daily Mail reported. The study provided evidence for elephants' capacity for empathy. They have long been known to dispaly human traits such as grief, but the research showed they may also wince at each other's pain.


Written By   T. SIVA KUMAR                                                                     Asst.proff: Sai Sakthi Engineering Colle...